June 6, 2007

Each of these mandalas pictures the universal in a singular expression, and thus mirrors our own individual window on eternity. For seven years, between November 13, 2004 and November 13, 2011, I offered daily my individual perspective on this Great Mystery. You may download from these archives and use the mandalas, provided this blog's URL is credited. To purchase a CD copy of the collection, hi-res prints, license information, see henryreed.com
Wow ... 'black' is sometimes such an important element of the real; feel reassured by it's inclusion here!
That's what the inside of my brain looks like when i'm stressed or confused Thanks for the snapshot
This Mandala feels like SERPENTS hidden in the shadows…..
Copied over from:
Through Ancient Eyes
By Neil Hague
He offers an alternative perspective, one that sees humanity's role as that of multidimensional beings breaking free of the SHADOWS and self imposed limitations that prevent them from awakening the creator within. He says:
"Ancient peoples used their creativity to communicate with powerful forces that are, once again, raising the vibrations of our planet. Visionaries and prophets, artists and poets throughout history have all used their 'ancient eyes' to tap into the creative consciousness".
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