November 22, 2007

Each of these mandalas pictures the universal in a singular expression, and thus mirrors our own individual window on eternity. For seven years, between November 13, 2004 and November 13, 2011, I offered daily my individual perspective on this Great Mystery. You may download from these archives and use the mandalas, provided this blog's URL is credited. To purchase a CD copy of the collection, hi-res prints, license information, see
How appropriate for a truly good
The Kabbalistic tree of life has evolved over time. Its basic design is based on descriptions given in the Sefer Yetsirah, or Book of Creation, and expanded upon in the enourmous Kabbalistic text Zohar, the book of Splendour. The ten sephira, similar to the Norse tree of life, are divided into four realms:
Atziluth, the realm of the supernal, beyond which is the ain, or no-thing.
Beriah, the creative world, of archetypes and ideals.
Yetsirah, the world of formation.
Assiah, manifest creation, the material world.
A whisper of truth in nature reflected in geometry man
revears-balanced, gentle yet strong, female and male strengths
equal and supportive.pjanon
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