July 17, 2007

Each of these mandalas pictures the universal in a singular expression, and thus mirrors our own individual window on eternity. For seven years, between November 13, 2004 and November 13, 2011, I offered daily my individual perspective on this Great Mystery. You may download from these archives and use the mandalas, provided this blog's URL is credited. To purchase a CD copy of the collection, hi-res prints, license information, see henryreed.com
Today’s Mandala is synchronistic to an article I read today in a new age magazine from a local shop.(RETURN OF THE JEWISH GODDESS.) The circles representing the DIVINE FEMININE and the TWO luminous glowing spheres WITHIN the Mandala being both MOTHER/FATHER GOD.
CIRCLE (sacred hoop, ring): An ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, the goddess, and female power. It represents the feminine spirit or force, the cosmos or a spiritualized Mother Earth, and a sacred space.
Copied over just a little part of the article…..
In Proverbs, we are introduced to the Divine Mother as Chochmah (Wisdom), who was present from the time of creation as the loving consort and coarchitect with the YHVH. In this Solomonic portrayal, she delights in humanity and provides us with her wise direction towards the path of truth and justice.
Early Jewish mystics emphasized the splendor of the SHECHINAH, often envisioning her as GOD’S GLORY. In their conception, she is the jewel or precious stone represented by the Torah, as the crowned bride of GOD. She is the luminous presence of the Divine, the great light who shines on all creatures. Similar concepts are expressed in later Jewish writings, reflecting the continuity of the received oral teachings back to the early centuries of the Common Era.
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