July 25, 2007

Each of these mandalas pictures the universal in a singular expression, and thus mirrors our own individual window on eternity. For seven years, between November 13, 2004 and November 13, 2011, I offered daily my individual perspective on this Great Mystery. You may download from these archives and use the mandalas, provided this blog's URL is credited. To purchase a CD copy of the collection, hi-res prints, license information, see henryreed.com
Healing Mother Earth
Back to basics
In metaphysical terms Bindu is held to be the point at which begins creation and the point at which the unity becomes the many. Khanna (1979: p.171) states that Bindu "...is the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state". Western occultists have associated this chakra with the hidden kabbalistic sephirah of Da'at, knowledge, which is also concerned with the point of creation, when 'Wisdom' and 'Understanding' balance each other to produce 'Knowledge', the first conceived thought.
calm serenity peace
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